Pay Per Click Management

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Why choose sebset

Sebset has experienced resources to help customers with targeted advertising on platforms such as Google, Amazon and so forth. These campaigns are tailored to specific sales funnels, affiliate marketing offers, or platform campaigns. Pay per click (PPC) means one only pays for an ad if someone clicks on that ad. Pay per click management involves using analytics to follow campaign results for leads when these leads are clicked to read the ad or information. No charges are applied for the ad by the platform unless someone clicks the ad to read it.

However, Sebset has extensive experience with this method of advertising. PPC is an inexpensive way to test the audience appeal of a specific ad as charges accrue only after someone clicks on the ad. People might click on the ad to see what it is but due to weak content or the call to action, no purchase would be made from the ad. Earnings per click (EPC) is a much more meaningful measure. EPC is total commission earned divided by the number of clicks. PPC does not give much information about the actual scale of anything. EPC speaks to the effectiveness of the ad in terms of profit to the seller, instead of just the amount of only the money that must be paid to the platform.

PPC and EPC both use analytics to follow campaign results for leads when these leads are clicked on to read the content of the ad. Sebset provides a full range of digital marketing services for PPC and EPC ad design, development, placement, and servicing.

What We Have Here for You

Let Sebset help you reach your target audience and maximize your return on investment with our expert PPC and EPC advertising services.

Targeted advertising on popular platforms

Sebset has experienced resources to help customers with targeted advertising on platforms such as Google and Amazon, tailored to specific sales funnels, affiliate marketing offers, or platform campaigns.

Pay per click (PPC) management

Sebset uses analytics to follow campaign results for leads when they are clicked on to read the ad or information. With PPC, charges only accrue when someone clicks on the ad, making it an inexpensive way to test audience appeal.

Earnings per click (EPC) measurement

Sebset understands the importance of EPC as a meaningful measure that speaks to the effectiveness of the ad in terms of profit to the seller, not just the amount of money that must be paid to the platform.

Full range of digital marketing services

Sebset provides a full range of digital marketing services for PPC and EPC ad design, development, placement, and servicing.

Expertise and experience

With extensive experience in PPC and EPC advertising, Sebset has the expertise to help customers optimize their campaigns and achieve their marketing goals.

Customized campaigns

Sebset tailors its PPC and EPC campaigns to meet the specific needs of each customer, ensuring that the messaging, targeting, and call-to-action are optimized to drive maximum engagement and conversion.

Ready to take your business to the next level with Sebset Digital Agency?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how our customized digital marketing solutions can help you achieve your business goals!

Frequently Asked Questions

A descriptive paragraph that tells clients how good you are and proves that you are the best choice that they’ve made.

Sebset has extensive experience in designing, developing, and placing ads on popular platforms such as Google and Amazon. Our team uses advanced analytics to track performance and optimize campaigns for maximum engagement and conversion.

Yes, Sebset can help you create customized campaigns that target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors to reach your ideal audience. We use data-driven insights to ensure your messaging resonates with your target audience and drives results.

Sebset’s pricing varies depending on the scope and complexity of the project. However, we offer competitive rates and work with each customer to develop a customized solution that fits their budget and marketing goals.

  1. Sebset uses a variety of metrics to track the success of your campaigns, including click-through rates, conversion rates, and earnings per click (EPC). We provide regular reports that highlight key performance indicators and make recommendations for optimizing your campaigns to improve results.


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